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Miracle Fruit is all the rage. Now you can buy Miracle Fruit seeds & grow your own Miracle Fruit plants. Miracle Fruit makes foods taste sweet WITHOUT sugar

Food Labels

If you buy food at the grocery store, look for these common buzzwords on food labels. The misleading food labels make foods seem healthier than they really are.

Is sugar really that bad for us? Aren't sugar substitutes better? We explore these questions, while touching on the most popular artificial sweeteners used today. Here are 20 things I bet you didn't know about sugar and sugar substitutes!

The latest new artificial sweetener goes by the name of Splenda. According to all the hype, it is made from sugar and because of that it is safer. But is it? The following information will make you think twice about using Splenda and other artificial sweeteners!

Here are all the best cooking tips I've acquired through the years... and they REALLY work. Enjoy!

Some of the best little-known cooking tips and food prep hints from Martha Stewart... and a few from me too.