I’m always looking for ways to stretch my grocery budget.
I would never have thought you could do much with one whole chicken from the deli, but the mom seen in the following video proved me wrong!
Here are all the ways you can use a single chicken (you know, the whole roasted chicken that you can buy already seasoned and cooked at most grocery stores) to save time and money:
- Purchase a deli chicken and eat the first meal as chicken with a side dish or two.
- Use the leftover chicken for the next day to make chicken quesadillas or chicken salad.
- Boil the leftover bones and skin for chicken stock. Then use that chicken stock to make chicken noodle soup and casseroles.
- Take advantage of buy-one-get-one-free sales when it comes to deli chicken. If your store is having one of these sales, then get 2 deli chickens!
- For your second deli chicken, go through steps 1 through 3 above with that chicken as well. Or, prepare it to be frozen right away instead. In that case, you would debone it. Then put the meat into freezer bags and store it in the freezer. Use it to make sandwiches, soup, chicken salad, casseroles or whatever you’d like in the weeks and months to come.