Articles Tagged:

alcohol and liquor

See the latest food industry trends. Plus, all the best links to stay on top of the most recent food and restaurant trends.

Breakfast is one of the 10 best drunk foods. See the others. Plus, great tips and foods to eat when you simply can't resist the urge to eat late.

The Guy Grub Guy has a kitchen that looks more like a hardware store. He cooks in a shop apron and wears a hard hat. And he uses the tools you have in your garage in his kitchen when preparing recipes. That's what most of his videos are about too: how to use things like pliers, saws and hammers as cooking utensils. Don't miss this!

Eating in restaurants you've never been in before can be difficult for those on gluten-free diets. When you're traveling and trying to find gluten-free foods when you dine out, some cuisines are easier than others -- like Mexican food. In Page, Arizona, we stopped at a Mexican restaurant called Fiesta Mexicana. Here's my review. Plus some great gluten-free beers!

Several studies suggest that beer has just as many health benefits as wine. As with wine, women who drink one glass and men who drink up to two glasses can benefit from drinking beer. Studies show that light to moderate drinkers -- people who drink a beer a week or a beer a day -- have an equal chance to experience beer's health benefits.

Some of the best little-known cooking tips and food prep hints from Martha Stewart... and a few from me too.

Recently, the show 20/20 ran a special about "Is drinking a Bud wiser?" in, should you drink a few beers before you move to the "hard stuff" in order to prevent a hangover? "Beer before liquor, you're never sicker."...

The Jack Daniels Distillery Tour itself lasts about 2 hours. You traverse approximately 9 acres -- by foot -- going in and out of buildings and warehouses, with 18 different stops along the way.