Recently, the show 20/20 ran a special about “Is drinking a Bud wiser?”
As in, should you drink a few beers before you move to the “hard stuff” in order to prevent a hangover?
“Beer before liquor, you’re never sicker.”
The conclusion was this…
Alcohol is alcohol.
No matter what the mix, the body can only process so much of it… about a beer an hour.
More than that, and you’re likely to feel it.
So neither of the above poetic phrases seems to hold true.
However, they did offer something new (to me):
With darker drinks, you feel it more.
Such is why I stick to drinking adult beverages that are just one step above WATER:
Bud Light… and the occasional Michelob Ultra Light! (*laughing at self*)
And, of course, a valuable piece of advice that they summed up the show with:
Drink slowly. Drink water. Eat food.
Hmmmm. Now that makes sense, but who is taking the time to think logically and rationally like this when they’re in the midst of a DRINKFEST?!
Just some random thoughts on hangovers and drinking adult beverages.
And Now For Something Refreshingly Fun…
Now I invite you to crack open an ice cold Bud Light and check out these “Real Men of Genius” commercials and “Real American Heroes” parodies:
I love my kitchen… and I like to cook. But my #1 requirement is that recipes have fewer than 7 ingredients (or arrive on my doorstep via a food delivery service).
My absolute favorite thing about being in the kitchen is trying out new gadgets, cookware, and storage containers! I’m SUPER organized in the kitchen (and everywhere else) and I have every gadget I could possibly need neatly and compactly tucked away until I need it. I share only the simplest recipes (which is great for people who don’t like to cook), along with time-saving food tips and cooking tricks (that will save you time and money).
When I’m not cooking, cleaning, or organizing my kitchen… you can find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).