Ever since Jim cooked us up some delicious corn-on-the-cob during our recent camping expedition, we’ve been eating corn-on-the-cob at least once a week.
Or at least I have. You see, Jim won’t eat corn-on-the-cob as a meal. It has to be served with something else. And since I haven’t been cooking much lately, he’s been finding something else to eat while I enjoy my own ears of corn… as a meal!
But it wasn’t until recently that I discovered not everyone eats corn-on-the-cob the way I eat corn-on-the-cob…
TIP: To make corn-on-the-cob even sweeter, simply add a little bit of milk or a pinch of sugar to the boiling water!
How To Prepare Corn-on-the-Cob
The proper way to cook corn-on-the-cob is this:
#1 Start with some fresh white sweet corn (none of that yellow, one-step-above-field-corn variety).
Unfortunately, sweet white corn is nearly impossible to find around these parts, so I’m usually forced to buy the yellow version…
#2 Then, you remove the outer “protective covering” otherwise known as the corn husk, and all of the attached corn silk.
Did You Know?… A dampened paper towel or terry cloth fabric brushed down toward the stem of an ear of corn will remove every last strand of corn silk.
#3 Then, dampen a paper towel. (You’ll need the beefier variety for this task, not those thin ones that disentigrate in your hand as soon as they get wet.) Wrap one entire ear of corn tightly in the dampened paper towel.
#4 Finally, microwave on high for 4-5 minutes (depending on how many ears of corn you cook at the same time), rotating each ear of corn at least once throughout the process.
Did You Know?… Even if you intend to cook the corn on the grill or roast it in its husk, you still need to remove the corn silk.
Well, there you have it… my best tips for cooking corn-on-the-cob!
I also like this recipe for milk boiled corn on the cob.
Note: This will NOT work with those tiny ears of corn-on-the-cob (like those found in Thai or Chinese restaurants).
For detailed instructions on how to eat THAT variety of corn-on-the-cob, I suggest that you watch the movie Big, starring Tom Hanks — and fast-forward to the “fancy cocktail party” scene.
How To Eat Corn-on-the-Cob
The proper way to serve corn on the cob is this:
Invest a couple of bucks in some specialty corn-on-the-cob utensils like these:
- You have your corn-on-the-cob holders, grabbers, picker-uppers… whatever you’d like to call them.
- And your corn-on-the-cob plates, servers, dishes. These are shaped like an ear of corn, and prevent the corn from wandering all over your plate. Plus, they ensure that your corn is soaking in butter all the time!
- And don’t forget your corn-on-the-cob butter dispenser.
More About Corn-on-the-Cob
If you still have questions about corn-on-the-cob, then I invite you to check out this site — they’ve got everything you could ever want to know about choosing, cleaning, preparing, cooking, and serving corn-on-the-cob!
And here’s everything you want to know about corn in general.
Got a dog? Here’s a sweet corn-on-the-cob for your four-legged friend.
Best Corn On The Cob Videos
These videos show the quickest & easiest ways to cook corn-on-the-cob — in the oven, and on the grill:
What I Learned Today…
People often like to make things out of the discarded corn husks… like these voodoo dolls (errr, I mean “corn husk puppets”).