Everything goes better with chocolate, or so you would think.
Chocolate dipped peanuts, raisins, and strawberries all sound absolutely delicious — to most of us.
If you like chocolate, then you’ve probably already experimented with chocolate fondue and other fun things you can do with leftover chocolate candy.
Maybe you’re into Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, and more unusual chocolate dipped things are more to your liking.
If so, check out these 11 unusual things covered in chocolate. The list includes some pretty strange things:
The list includes some more common foods dipped in chocolate, as well:
You can buy a variety of chocolate dipped bugs to be shipped right to your door, like these chocolate covered crickets. Imagine, it could be the most unique delicacy you’ve tried in awhile. Then again, it might just be the perfect gift for someone you don’t really care for! You can even become a member of the I Ate A Bug Club.
Interestingly, chocolate dipped grasshoppers were used successfully as a marketing tool to launch one company’s advertising campaign. Personally, I’d rather get my protein from a nice steak and leave the chocolate dipping for bon-bons.