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Reasons To Avoid Food Products From Factory Farms & Try Organic Instead

these-are-not-factory-farm-eggs-by-woodleywonderworks.jpg Do you know where (and how) the eggs you ate for breakfast were produced?

Factory farms, otherwise known as CAFO’s (concentrated or confined animal feeding operations), are the source of 95% of the eggs consumed in the United States today.

Home for these unfortunate chickens is an endless row of small wire cages, with as many as 8 birds housed in a mere 14 square inches of space. 


What Some Factory Farms Are Like

Rows of cages are stacked in multiple layers, forcing the waste to drop down through lower cages onto the other birds. 

When the chickens stop laying eggs, they’re either slaughtered or deprived of food and water to shock their system into another round of laying eggs.  This goes on until they die from exhaustion or are slaughtered.

chicken-factory-farm-by-aleutia.jpg By avoiding foods produced by factory farms you’re also reducing similar situations for beef and pork production.

Beyond inhumane treatment to the animals, there is the huge quantity of excrement to deal with. For example, pollution from feedlots is contaminating ground water in many parts of the country.

Have You Tried Organic Foods Yet?

There is a lot you can do to provide a healthier food options for you and your family:

If you truly want to put the very best food on your family’s dinner table, it may be time to get serious about eating organic foods.

Here’s how to eat organic on a budget. (More great tips for eating organic on a budget.)

Be prepared to spend a little more money for organic food products, or simply choose to produce your own foods at home.  Avoiding products from factory farms will take some effort, but it’s worth it!