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Here are some cool things you can do with a microwave that you might not have have heard before.

A list of food scraps that cannot be put down the garbage disposal, plus tips for getting the most of that handy disposer in your kitchen sink.

Chances are, you're probably buying local produce. But have you thought about doing some home canning of fruits & vegetables in order to make your food last all year long? Here are some tips for your first home canning project. It's easy, really!

Here are all the best cooking tips I've acquired through the years... and they REALLY work. Enjoy!


See when all types of produce, fruits & vegetables are going to be the absolute freshest in grocery stores and when you can buy them locally. Here's when fruits and vegetables are in season where you live.

They say that people can lower their pesticide exposure by almost 90% by avoiding the top 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables and eating the least contaminated instead.

After 11 years as a loyal member, I've decided to let my Sam's Club membership lapse. I am going to miss a few things at the trusty 'ol Sam's Club. They carry a handful of items that I just can't find elsewhere, or prices that just can't be beat, like...

Slash your pesticide ingestion by 90% with this list of the most and least contaminated fruits & vegetables. For the most contaminated ones: buy organic!

Some of the best little-known cooking tips and food prep hints from Martha Stewart... and a few from me too.