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Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez

I'm a roller coaster junkie, a weather enthusiast, a frequent traveler, and a numismatist. My love for coins began when I was 11 years old. I primarily collect and study U.S. coins produced during the 20th century. I'm a member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA) and the Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG). I've also been studying meteorology and watching weather patterns for years. I enjoy sharing little-known facts and fun stuff about coins, weather, travel, health, food, and living green... on a budget. I work from home full-time as a journalist, reporter, and author.

Wish your George Foreman grill wasn’t such a chore to clean? 3 tricks to make cleaning your George Foreman indoor grill super easy. The foil idea is best!

One of my favorite dessert recipes is Marshmallow Fluff Never Fail Fudge. See how to make this classic fudge recipe + My personal tips for the best results!

Are organic sodas healthier for you than regular sodas? Do they taste good? I tried 3 popular ones, in search of the best organic soda. Here's what I've learned about organic, natural soda.

I decided to try organic chicken soup after seeing how many preservatives are in traditional canned chicken soup. My taste-test review of 4 popular organic soups.

Food Labels

If you buy food at the grocery store, look for these common buzzwords on food labels. The misleading food labels make foods seem healthier than they really are.

Natural Foods

I've been trying to find more convenient and less expensive natural foods lately. These 4 food brands are adding more & more natural foods that taste great!

Cadbury Easter Candy

Yep, there's a new recipe being used for Cadbury eggs in the U.K. Here's my take on the great Cadbury eggs Easter candy debate in the U.S. Good to know!

Wondering if organic coffee is really worth the cost? Here's the answer, according to a coffee junkie.