Articles Tagged:

food gardening

Miracle Fruit is all the rage these days. Now you can buy your own Miracle Fruit seeds to grow your own Miracle Fruit plants. Miracle Fruit makes foods taste sweet... without using sugar!


Here's how to start a container garden to grow vegetables at home -- without a yard -- and get FREE seeds for your garden!

Whether you pick a small spot in the backyard for a vegetable garden or you try container gardening, here are some tips for getting a successful harvest from your very first organic vegetable garden.

It's the time of year for apple recipes! Here are lots of unique recipes for fall apples to help you put that fall apple harvest to good use. Plus other fun things to do with apples.

Did you know that most weeds that grow in your yard are actually edible? Here are some of the foods that will grow themselves in your yard.

The founder of, which is one of the first cooking sites on the Internet, and more recently, Kate Heyhoe has written several cookbooks. But it's her latest book, Cooking Green: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint in the Kitchen -- the New Green Basics Way, that tackles HOW you cook. Which, she says, is just as important as WHAT you cook.

Have you started gardening for groceries yet? I have. I'm starting with tomatoes and strawberries planted in containers. It's a form of urban gardening. Here's what you need to know to start your own urban garden project, plus LOTS of tips to save you time and money!