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Find recipes that adapt to your pantry. (Rather than making your pantry adapt to the recipes!) These sites help you find recipes with the ingredients you have.


There is one type of flour that passes the gluten free test: buckwheat flour! Here are gluten free recipes for buckwheat pancakes, plus my best buckwheat pancake tips.

Homemade bread using whole grains and healthy seed is a real treat. Here are some recipes and tips for using whole grains.

I learned to prepare lots of Mexican and Tex-Mex dishes when I was living in south Texas. I also learned to love the chipotle flavor there. Chipotle is a fully ripened and smoked jalapeno pepper, so adding it to your food gives it a warm, smokey flavor. Here is my recipes for homemade gluten-free enchiladas using Knorr Mini Cubs Chipotle Seasoning.

Here are all the best cooking tips I've acquired through the years... and they REALLY work. Enjoy!

Some of the best little-known cooking tips and food prep hints from Martha Stewart... and a few from me too.